October and November

 Since it is December already I will try and give you a glimpse of the past two months. It has been such a mix of emotions and activities and many, many miles. We are so thankful for each person who has touched our lives and blessed us in so many ways. And we are thankful to God for safety and protection.

This little girl loves to play with Kelsey and I, but when Kenny comes around, we don't stand a chance! She likes to jabber a blue streak in Fante even though she knows we most likely won't understand most of what she says.
Visiting a friend in Iture.
This house fascinated me because of the plants growing in pots on the porch. That isn't a normal thing you see.
Mama duck and her family. Ducks aren't as common as chickens, but their are often a few wonodering around a village.
The very beginning of October we did two youth events. One in our village and one in Assomdwe. Patricia came to help translate at both of them and we took her out for supper with us one evening. She was happy with her fish and bankuu.
The group from Mountain View Nursing Home that came to help with the youth programs. They also did quite a bit of painting at the Salt house and for Duane and Kaylene.
And then we flew to the US for furlough! This picture describes the day we spent with our good friends! Thanks for the liver exercise!!
One of the highlights for me was butchering turkeys with my family. Some of my earliest memories are from the butcher shop so it is very special to revisit those memories and to make new ones. Teaching our children the process is an added joy as well. These two cousins had so much fun working and playing together!
Kelsey of course remembered the most about butchering but it had been three years since we helped.
Austin got a lesson on the inside of turkeys from Amanda.
I forgot to change an address when placing an order and sent a package to our old house. It gave us an excuse to stop in and it was bittersweet being back there. So much has changed and yet so much is the same!
More fun with cousins! They needed to see what they could see!
This was a weekend soon after we got back. Our children didn't remember fall anymore since the last fall we had experienced was in 2018. I was so happy we had beautiful fall weather while we were there.
My family spent a weekend at a cabin close to this camp. The boys enjoyed a bit of fishing there but it was rather chilly.
The boys went fishing several times. It was always their request if we weren't busy doing other things.

And before long it was time to head back to Ghana. Back home! I am hoping to post some ramblings about questions we were asked and thoughts and feelings furlough brings. So more on all that later!
 In the mean time, the children are back at school, I am catching up on my house work and starting to think ahead to upcoming events. And Kenny is back at work.
Both of these pictures are from savings group pay outs. After months of saving and attending meetings, they get their money back and any interest from loans they might have given each other out of their savings box. It's a day of celebration because all their hard work paid off.


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