
Showing posts from 2023

The Good and the Bad

  Another question we get asked is what is the best part, or what is the hardest part of being on the mission field? Let's start with the hard part and end on a good note.   There are a few hard things. One of the main ones is being away from family and friends and our church family. Especially over holidays and birthdays, camping trips and celebrations. I don't think I need to explain this one real far. I think everyone can understand what it is like to miss loved ones. Sometimes it is tempting to say, is it worth it? I miss my family so much, why do I do this to myself? Then we need to remind ourselves of God's calling. So if you know a missionary or anyone living away from their family, send them a message that you are thinking of them, especially at this time of year. God called them, but it isn't always easy.    And this is a bit of a bunny trail but I want to acknowledge the fact that it isn't easy for the family and friends back home either. Especially parent...

Where is Home?

The day after we arrived in Ghana, we went to our favorite spot at the beach. This storm was beautiful to watch roll in across the ocean.  There are questions that we get asked on furlough that make us think about things we would other wise just do naturally and not really take time to look at what is behind our actions and thoughts. And for that reason I like these questions. But they can also be difficult to answer. And for that reason I don't like them. I'm hoping to address several of them over the next weeks just to help me think through them and also help people understand mission life just a bit more.   One of the questions is, Where is home? What does it feel like to go from one place to the other?                                   As a child, did you ever go to the same cabin for a weekend every summer? Did you ever go to an out of state uncle and aunt or grandparent to visi...

October and November

 Since it is December already I will try and give you a glimpse of the past two months. It has been such a mix of emotions and activities and many, many miles. We are so thankful for each person who has touched our lives and blessed us in so many ways. And we are thankful to God for safety and protection. This little girl loves to play with Kelsey and I, but when Kenny comes around, we don't stand a chance! She likes to jabber a blue streak in Fante even though she knows we most likely won't understand most of what she says. Visiting a friend in Iture. This house fascinated me because of the plants growing in pots on the porch. That isn't a normal thing you see. Mama duck and her family. Ducks aren't as common as chickens, but their are often a few wonodering around a village. The very beginning of October we did two youth events. One in our village and one in Assomdwe. Patricia came to help translate at both of them and we took her out for supper with us one evening. S...


Our youth event is over and the group left a week ago. Time moves on at rapid speed. It always amazes me at how time flies and yet the moments can be long. Recently a friend asked for help, it was so hard and I agonized at saying no, but I knew it wasn't for her long term good to help in this way. Time stood still as I forced myself to say no instead of handing her the money she wanted. When misunderstandings happen and trust between people is broken, time seems to stand still as you wait for healing and cry out to God for forgiveness and restoration. When difficult decisions need to be made, it seems like time stands still as you long for God's perfect will. When I sit at my favorite spot beside the ocean and soak in the beauty and the peace, it seems time stands still and God refreshes and restores. When I look out my bedroom window and watch the beautiful sun rise over the rolling hills, I stand still and thank God for a new day. Truly, sometimes the days are long but the ye...


This has gotten pushed to the back burner all month. Life just happens to all of us and I don't even have the excuse that I was busy canning! Although we did do a canning day in August. We finally went on a much looked forward to exploring trip once again. New places are refreshing and relaxing! We ate a lunch beside Volta lake. It was a beautiful spot and we had the entire restaurant to ourselves. We also enjoyed the grass lands of Shai Hills. We love the roads less traveled! It felt like we were entering a different world. It was so pretty even if the roads were very rough getting there. The main reason for visiting Shai Hills National Park was seeing the baboons. Sadly they just hung around the main highway running past the park to beg for handouts. And they really did beg! A tour guide took us for a drive and we hiked to these caves where the Shai people lived many years ago. This was the King's cave and was well protected. Our area is made up of rolling hills so these ...