Great Things


  Have you ever sat in wonder at the greatness of our God? Have you ever considered how blessed we are to have a God that we not only praise and can take our requests to, but that we can cling to in the hard times? I thought of this several weeks ago when we sang this song at a wedding.

  To God be the glory, great things he hath done.

  And great our rejoicing to Jesus the Son

  Who yielded His life an atonement for sin

  And opened the life gate that all may go in.


  Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

  Let the earth hear His voice

  Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

  Let the people rejoice!

  Oh, come to the Father through Jesus the Son,

  And give Him the glory, great things He has done!


There was an organ, a choir, and the high (unfinished) ceiling, that all helped make the song swell and soar away. It was glorious and when I looked at the bride and groom, I could see how God had truly done great things in this young couples’ lives. But tears filled my eyes because this song took me back to another time I sang it.

  It was a warm day and I stood with the rest of our mission group. There were villagers crowded around forming a three-sided square and, in the middle, there was a rough, unfinished coffin. In the coffin lay a boy I had learned to love. A boy that I had watched suffer. His class mates stood around his coffin and we sang this song.

  In that moment my heart cried out in pain. What great thing was this boy’s suffering and death? And yet, my heart also knew it was a great thing. The doors that had been open, the friendships that were begun, the way I had been changed. This boy had touched people’s lives. And because he was taken from us, we were reminded in a way we wouldn’t have been otherwise. His teacher had tears in his eyes. His classmates had tears on their cheeks. This boy was special and God had done something wonderful. He had softened hearts and opened doors.

  But weeks later at that wedding, something else sank deep into my brain. Am I thankful enough that my God is one I can worship with the same song in celebration and in sorrow? Am I thankful that I can cry and praise my Lord at the same time?

  This week our village was again shaken with another death. This time a father of four children that was killed in an accident. He lived very near us and although it isn’t someone we knew very well, we always greeted each other. His children used to come to our house to play. I don’t know what religion they are or if they are any. But we feel the pain from everyone in our village. As is the custom, there is a steady stream of people going to their house to grieve with them. There are young men sitting outside. Sober, just sitting. God has once again done a great thing. He has reminded us all that life is short and uncertain. He has reminded us to never waste an opportunity. To do good while life and breath remain. “Oh, come to the Father, through Jesus the son, and give Him the Glory great things He hath done.”

  Have you ever thanked God that when hard times and good times come, He is the only One you need to turn to? You might not understand, but you can trust Him.


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