
Showing posts from February, 2020

New Hope Class of 2020

School started February 3rd. It took a bit to get everything settled and get everyone here. One student was sick the first week. One was getting his passport photo. And then Ghana required all their citizens to get an ID card. So they all needed to do that. But the last one has their's and I think things are settling into a routine. To do a bit of an introduction; From left to right: Jarell Zimmerman-Teacher, Anthony-Teacher, Ernest-Teacher, Francis, Mensah, Richard, Davis, Mishak, Zuberu, Albert-Teacher, Tulatu, Bernard, Kenny. Kenny has his hands full keeping it all running but hopefully things keep going smoother. They have a lot of work right now. Almost too much! There are always clusters of students and a teacher in every corner. Mechanics take a lot longer if you are teaching someone how to do it. They have even taken to working outside on occasion when the shop is full! A new group of people working together is always going to take some time to get ...

Just A Glimpse

Life is settling into a bit of a routine right now. Full, happy days but I am feeling like I can actually reach around. I even sewed a dress this past week. It was high time! The day before school started we took an hour before sunset to go to the beach. It was a beautiful evening The children have lost interest in us to some extent but we still have a few come to play occasionally. These boys are playing a version of tic-tac-toe. Austin and I went for a walk behind our house. We keep taking pictures of this termite mound. It will be interesting to see how big the boy and the termite mound grow. The boys love riding bike at the shop! More beach pictures! This is at a restaurant while waiting for food. The harmattan is back! If you look closely you can see the sun right at the curving palm branch in almost the center of the picture. My floors show the dust and our black leather sofa's do as well. I think I becoming immune to dust! Yesterday we wal...

A New Term

The class room is ready! This is just a quick prayer request for Kenny, his fellow teachers, Albert, Ernest, Anthony, and Jarell, and his new students. Their first day is tomorrow (Tuesday). It is like a blank canvas. New faces. New personalities. New possibilities. It is going to be challenging. Going from four that knew a lot about mechanics to eight new ones that vary greatly in their knowledge. One has worked for a mechanic a little already. Most have never used the tools they will now use every day. Most have never drove a car or moto.   I hope to take some pictures this week yet of the class. So hopefully I get them on here as well! Student uniforms. The teal and orange shirt for class time. The navy is overalls for in the shop. They each get a pair of shoes as well. The orange striped shirts hanging up are the teacher's shirts for class. And they have grey overalls.