My Burden
A lmost a year ago I found myself moving into a new community. A community that has great needs. Needs that I see every time I leave my home and sometimes they show up on my door step. I looked around and wondered how I would make a difference in the year to come? How would I better this community? How would I meet people and show Jesus to them? How would I speak to the elderly, comfort the hurting and encourage the discouraged? A year later I am ashamed to say I have done almost none of that. We have made a few acquaintances in the community. But most of them were interested to see what they could get out of us. And most of them walked away when they figured out there weren't many free hand outs. What did happen is that now I see more needs. I have just managed to crack open the door to this village. I am definitely an outsider. They tolerate me, even welcome me, but keep me at arms length. I come and I go. I live in my little corner. I buy from their shops. But I am ...