A week ago we picked my sister and three of her friends up at the airport. It was wonderful to see people and recieve gifts from America! This week the missionaries are having a Bible Study (it isn't vacation Bible study since everyone is still in school, but we call it VBS) in our village. There are children from the neighboring village as well. I will post more pictures and explain how things worked later but for now will just share a few pictures.
Karissa being mobbed as she started preparing to sign children in the first day. The older lady wanted a wrist band too and was a bit upset with me for not letting her have one.

Sitting on the mats for main assembly.

Merlin with Kojo interpreting.

Wanda giving the children the love and attention they crave.

Kojo, Merlin, Mama Justina and Bethany leading songs.

I was in charge of more singing and Bible Memory.

They discovered Kelsey knows a few phrases of Fante and all asked her questions to hear her talk.

We have around 140 children coming with more standing around the edges watching. We start around 3:30 and finish about 5. We appreciate you prayers as we finish up the week. 


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