Easter and School Days

Easter morning we had a sunrise service at the beach. 
You rarely see the sun at the horizon here. It most often pops out from the haze or a bank of clouds. We were actually thankful for clouds that morning. It would have been very hot other wise. After church we went back to Tom's for breakfast. By noon we were at home taking our naps!
Kenny had off from school Friday and Monday for the holiday weekend. We took it easy, went to the beach, caught up on all the odds and ends, went fishing, and just enjoyed living! It was the perfect timing for a long weekend. Kenny knew a bit what he needed to do to get ready for the next weeks of school and had the extra time to do it.
These are the New Hope students. 

Class room time.

Ebeneezer and Emmanuel working on a moto.

Joseph and the other Emmanuel working on the bus.

Gideon working on a mower.

These five keep Kenny busy keeping them busy! One of the main problems right now is finding parts takes so much time. His other problem is getting them to go home. The students would hang out here from early morning till late evening if he let them. But they are enthusiastic, and that is worth it! On the group picture there is an extra man that had come three days but is not coming anymore. Lack of money and reading and writing skills are the main reasons. 

We are looking forward to a young man moving to Ghana in June to help Kenny. It is an answered prayer for us! Teaching alone stretches him extremely thin. It's hard to keep 5 people working when they all have questions.


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