Volta Region

We visited Volta Region in May. Volta region is in Eastern Ghana, next to Togo. We could see mountain ridges that were in Togo quite a bit. This is where Ghana's highest mountains are and it is so different from the costal area we live in. It was just beautiful and we enjoyed seeing the different sights. This is going to be a lot of pictures but there is too much beauty to not share it. Just on the other side of Accra you start realizing you are entering a different world. Everything is more agriculture/farming. Adomi Bridge, we were hoping to get to this area much earlier in the day but traffic was terrible and it was very late till we got to the place we were spending the night. I stumbled across Tagbo Falls Lodge online, we couldn't have asked for a more perfect spot. There was a creek just beside the lodge, and since it was the middle of the week it was quiet and we were actually the only people there one night. Rainy days are so relaxing! Their food was amazing! And we en...