When are you moving home?

One of the most frequent questions we got this time on furlough is, "When are you moving home?" Hopefully, we didn't offend anyone in our responses to this question. We got a bit weary of it because we don't know. We don't have any good answers to tell people. I'm going to be very honest about our feelings and hopefully you can understand where I'm coming from on this question. One of the main concerns people talked about is our children. Do they like it in Ghana? Each of them has a part of them that wants to be in the US with family and friends and live the American dream. But each of them also loves Ghana. Both boys have lived in Ghana longer then in the US. They are more comfortable in their slippers (any sort of flip flop or sandal) then in shoes. And actually love best when their feet are stained reddish brown with African dirt. The point is, this is their home. Austin told me one day, We should move back to the US but then come to Ghana on furlo...