
Our youth event is over and the group left a week ago. Time moves on at rapid speed. It always amazes me at how time flies and yet the moments can be long. Recently a friend asked for help, it was so hard and I agonized at saying no, but I knew it wasn't for her long term good to help in this way. Time stood still as I forced myself to say no instead of handing her the money she wanted. When misunderstandings happen and trust between people is broken, time seems to stand still as you wait for healing and cry out to God for forgiveness and restoration. When difficult decisions need to be made, it seems like time stands still as you long for God's perfect will. When I sit at my favorite spot beside the ocean and soak in the beauty and the peace, it seems time stands still and God refreshes and restores. When I look out my bedroom window and watch the beautiful sun rise over the rolling hills, I stand still and thank God for a new day. Truly, sometimes the days are long but the ye...