
Showing posts from March, 2022


 It's the last day of March and I am struggling to find words to describe March. I look back at the pictures from the month and think about how unknown the future really is and how frail life and all our plans really are. In no particular order, here is a glimpse of or month. With Tom and Galyn moving back to the US, we started going to their house once a week to have playtime. She always let the children come Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening, but with us having to drive over there and our other obligations, that isn't practical. So every Saturday evening we go there and start with some singing and a Bible study. Then they play for about an hour. These two little girls never get enough attention and I frequently find myself carrying both of them. They are quite the mischievous pair.                                                      There are usually 40 to 50 children there. Thanks to the rules and hard work Galyn put into it, it is manageable. They don't appreciate th


   Today was one of the most exhausting days, emotionally, that we have ever had in Ghana. The other day that compares to this one was the day of Jarell's funeral. But that day we had people around us giving us words of comfort, peace, and hope. Maybe that is why today was so hard. We had to watch people grieve without hope.   Francis is 14 and came to church with us faithfully. We knew he was from a poor family, and he always had his little sister and brother along. And occasionally his two nephews. and a few times, his older brother. He was a sweet respectful boy and we almost never had issues with his behavior.   About ten days ago he came home from school with a headache. He had been complaining of it for several days but meds weren't helping. So his mother took him to a small hospital. There they basically ignored him for a day until his mother got a friend that was a nurse to come and look at him. They started treating him for malaria and gave him pain meds. Saturday he w


                          February was spent preparing for and then saying good bye to the Graber family. They moved to Ghana about 6 weeks before we did so it is hard to imagine Ghana without them. The ladies went fabric shopping and to the coffee shop one Saturday. The girls and teachers went swimming. And Kenny took Jimmy and Matthew and our boys for a paddle on the river. Our children are still going to school but are the only two there now. Heidi is teaching both of them and Kaylene is helping at the shop in the office. I think Matthew is showing Austin how to crack his neck. Austin is missing his school mates already. I am hoping for his teachers sake he adjusts quickly! The house at Peace Ave has been sitting empty. And as of now the mission has no use for it so it was decided to clean it out and not lease it again. The sofas and chairs have seen many years of use but are still in decent shape. Kenny found a man to do some repairs on them and part of the deal was that he pick th