
New Years day Kenny and the children borrowed Dante's boat and went for a ride on the river. They got in near the ocean and since it was high tide paddling up stream was easy. It always amazes me how the high tide changes the direction of the rivers or makes them stop flowing pretty far away from the ocean. Kenny and the boys went on a long moto ride one afternoon. This is a quarry they often went to when Jarell was staying with us. The sunset on their way home. The last weekend in January was our much looked forward to missionary retreat. We all stayed at Han's Cottage from Thursday evening till Saturday after lunch. The boys spent most of their time fishing. There are crocodiles in the water and more than one person lost their hook and their bait to the crocodiles. It added excitement! It was everything a retreat should be. Beautiful, relaxing, and not far away from home but feeling like you were far away from home. Clifford Martin was here and had several topics for us. Ther...