Graduation of Class of 2020

September 23rd was the long planned for day of graduation! These six young men were students last year and then did their attachment (apprenticeship) for 6 months. Teachers and the graduating class. Albert was a big part of teaching these boys and they thought of it that he was missing from their special day. We were so thankful for Richard. He was master of ceremonies and did a fantastic job! Richmond does the accounting for the shop and had the devotions for graduation. Each of the teachers took a turn speaking. This is Anthony. Richard translated as well. If the person spoke English he translated to Fante. If the spoke Fante he translated to English. It is good for the shop to get so cleaned up! We had planned for 100 people and had just over that. It was a good turn out! On Friday Kenny took the grads and his current students to Takoradi on an excursion. They toured two large shops there. This ship generates electricity. This man is explaining something to them. Gideon, ...