
Sometimes we feel like we have given everything we could give and been stretched as far as we can stretch. And then God hands us a test. June was a test for me personally but also for other people in our mission as well. Work crews were over and we were looking forward to a few quiet weeks before a group of visitors came. Some staying with us and some staying with Burnell Martins. The week that the last of the work crew left, Burnells son Drayen got sick. We had all been having stomach issues and quite a few people had had fevers so they didn't think much of it. But after a few days they realized something was really wrong. He tested positive for malaria so he started treatment. The next two weeks were a roller coaster of up and down. He would improve only to get worse. The day after their and our visitors arrived he had blood in his urine and they ended up in the hospital. What followed was several days of up and down. Friday night things reached a critical point with his fever ...