Our God, He is Alive

Every Sunday morning and one Wednesday evening a month you will find us gathered at Abbina Mennonite church. We sit on a mixture of plastic chairs and wooden benches. And we ourselves are quite a mixture. Besides our mission families there are two to three native adults that attend regularly and then anywhere from 15 to 50 children, ages 2 to 18. This means that it is not a matter of training our own children to sit quietly during church, it also means training other peoples children to sit quietly. It can be quite a challenge and some Sundays are great and some, hardly anyone gets much out of the sermon. The children love to sing and lately we sing the song at the beginning of this post almost every Sunday. Sometimes when I sing a song over and over I forget about the words but the words in this song have started catching my attention. Especially when so much energy and passion is put into singing them! The swamp behind church. This picture is from rainy season, dur...