The past weeks have ben very busy and I am just starting to get to the projects that were on my 'that can wait' list. So now to fill you in a bit on what has been going on. Our dog had puppies and they were 4 weeks old when we left on furlough. When we got back it didn't take us long to decide that some puppies need to go! It didn't take very long for them all to find homes. The last one just went to her new home with Wayne and Dorothy. It does get rather warm at church and some times till it is over, we feel a little like this! I was sitting, chatting with one of the ladies I frequently buy from at market and this little girl came over to examine the obrunis (white people). And of course we were delighted to play with this cheery little fellow again! Austin started 1st grade the week after we came and just got his first Reading book last week. Harmattan visited for about 10 days. While everything got dusty faster, it also means cooler temperatures. And beautiful s...