Happy Endings

New Hope Vo-Tech school is finishing another term of school. It is the second one for Ken and with the help of God, it has been successful. From left to right, the back row is, Mensah, Zeberu, Anthony, Albert, Francis, Davis, Jarell. The front row is Ernest, Benard, Meshak, Richard, and Ken. Only one student that started the term dropped out. And we are amazed how far they have all come. Anthony teaching Meshak and Davis. Albert teaching Richard. Class time. Their table of parts to use for teaching. Today, last years class came to celebrate the final stage of their education. They have completed their attachments and are free to find paying jobs now with their certificates in hand! This years class celebrated the end of their term here. They will be here all of next week yet but with us needing to leave bright and early the following Monday morning we decided to have the party today. From here they will all go on to doing attachments and then next year we will have a graduation for the...