Bits and Pieces

I have been trying to come up with a wonderful post about how our lives are going. And it hasn't been working. I keep coming up with paragraphs and bits and pieces. So I guess bits and pieces it will be! How is Covid19 affecting us? Less and less. Masks are still mandatory but fewer ad fewer people wear them. When entering a store or building they are usually checking temperatures and have a hand washing station and/or sanitizer at the door. But most people on the street walk around like normal. Very occasionally we here "Coronavirus!" shouted at us when in town but not as often as before. A large portion of the people in Ghana till have very vague ideas about the virus. At first they thought if you get it you die. Now a lot of them think it is only a sickness for the rich people. It really hasn't swept through towns and villages like they thought it might. Schools still don't have an opening date. They closed in March and rumor has it they will be closed t...