All On a Saturday

Last Saturday I was suddenly inspired to take pictures. I'm not a huge picture taker but I love having the memories. Friday Kenny was off for May Day. In Ghana May Day is a little like Labor Day in the US. So our Saturday was more relaxed then normal. Our electric went out in the morning and stayed off till we were at church Sunday morning. So that made our day even more relaxed! Austin helped make pancakes for breakfast. Frying them was a little hard for him and he soon lost interest Kelsey and Kenny were playing checkers while Brent used his daddy for climbing practice. After breakfast the men all went to the shop. Kelsey and I did some cleaning. Thankfully our water is gravity flow! She wanted to do something fun too since the boys got to go with daddy. So I colored while she painted. We ate lunch when the men came home and then everyone went outside. With no fans the house was quite warm. There was still a nice breeze outside. Brent managed to dr...