Bits and Pieces

In no particular order or importance, here are a few pictures! Austin has been praying for rain so he can mow grass! He does a pretty good job. Just this morning Kenny and the boys dug up a bit of grass to make a garden. We are just doing a very small test plot to see if we can grow anything. It is wonderful that Kenny has enough time and energy outside the shop to even consider starting this project! We took a walk in the fields behind our house one Sunday evening and found some pineapples growing. And a beautiful flowering tree! The boys are learning to load their truck Ghana full! With 2 new cousins in the states they wish they could cuddle, the children have taken to playing baby quite a bit. Kelsey is braiding scraps. Then I need to try my hand at stitching them it into a rug! My baby turned three this week! It is hard to believe. What a blessing growing healthy children are! He couldn't decide what he wanted on his cake. But I must ...