My List

I like lists! They help me get things off my mind. I thought I would share this one. I made the first one for fun. Some days I think of all the things that have changed in the past year and it either frustrates me or makes me thankful for this opportunity. So I challenged myself to come up with some positive things as well. It was good for me!
Living so close to this beautiful scenery should be worth a few hardships, right??

Things I Used to take For Granted

  • Drinking from the faucet
  • High quality products at reasonable prices
  • Electricity that was on unless wires were down
  • Water that never failed
  • An automatic washer that I could run a load through anytime
  • A dryer for rainy days
  • Paved roads!!!!!!!!
  • Stores that carry every grocery you need plus other odds and ends.
  • My shelves full of canned goodies
  • Spring and fall
  • Old friends
  • Family, family, family
  • One on one talks with friends that have known your ups and downs for many years
  • Carpet or linoleum
  • Nice soft grass, without "jiggers"
  • Perforated toilet paper
   Going shopping and just being one of the many people
  • Children without skin rashes or parasites
  • People that were dependable and on time
  • People that speak English
  • People that speak the truth

Blessings I didn't have before
  • Being popular with children because of my skin color
  • Breezes in the palm trees
  • A drive along the ocean on the way to town
  • Greeting everyone along the road since you drive slowly
  • A small church group
  • Meeting many new people
  • The feeling of being prayed through experiences by people back home
  • Adventure awaiting around every corner
  • People that are willing to travel thousands of miles to visit me
  • The sights and sounds of a bustling market
  • Watching a culture that prioritizes relationships
  • Learning, learning, learning 
Blessings that are more obvious
  • Having an abundance of food
  • Having a solid house and a (normally) dry place to sleep
  • Children that obey out of respect and love, rather then fear
  • Godly parents
  • Knowing what a functional family looks like
  • Having a godly husband
  • Stability in life
  • Having been taught to work


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