
I wish I would be able to go back and get pictures from years ago for this post but that is impossible. My earliest memories of Thanksgiving are more distinct then Christmas. At our house Thanksgiving was a bigger holiday then Christmas (almost). We butchered turkeys every year for as long as I can remember. It started small and has grown to doing almost 1,000. I remember the butcher shop as a young child. I remember sitting on a low, wooden, backless chair with my head on mom's knee. Watching the feathers drop from the bottom of the feather picker. And falling asleep. I remember singing around the tables as we butchered and cut off meat. I learned many songs in the butcher shop. I remember playing games like "A my name is Ann, my husbands name is Andy........" I remember the coolness of the butcher shop on summer evenings, and how quickly it heated up. I remember the cold wind blowing in the cracks in the old door. Walking in to the house in the dark under ful...