New Hope School

L to R; Gideon, Trevor, Albert, Joseph, Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Kenny I have been thinking for awhile that I need to do a post on the shop. After all that is the reason we are here! Kenny is thoroughly enjoying school. And his students are as well. They still leave rather reluctantly most days. Trevor Oberholtzer has been helping teach since June. Around the table starting with Trevor, Joseph, Gideon, Emmanuel, and Emmanuel. They start their morning out with a Bible Study. One of the students in particular had very little interest in the Bible Study when school started. But we have seen growth in them all. That student is now attending a church. We saw him all dressed up and headed for church the other Sunday morning and barely recognized him. One attends our church faithfully. One is a very dedicated Catholic and the other would consider himself Seventh Day Adventist. They have definitely grown spiritually in the past half year and it is exciting to see them ...