Random Snapshots

Here are some random pictures from our past month. Kelsey and neighbor children reading together. They read quite well. She helped them with the bigger words. We had a sand box made for the boys. It gets well used and does such a good job of entertaining that the amount of sand drug into my house even seems worthwhile. Here three boys came over and were helping make tunnels and hills. The first days we had our dog, the neighbor children were all terrified of her. Slowly they have overcome their fear. This picture was the first day the small boy in the front didn't have to cry over her. He comes almost every afternoon, but would either play inside or on the porch with her penned off. One rainy morning the boys colored while I sewed. Brent fell asleep and then we needed to leave for the shop. He actually slept over all the bumps on the way there! We stopped at a carpenters shop one day. I was amused by their rocking horses! Kelsey lik...