
The past weeks, my life has revolved around two things. Dirt and clutter! Brent has been such a good helper this week! He emptied a tote (one that will go with us to Africa) in order to use it to get to the coffee pot. If you want true motivation to clean and organize, sell your house! Knowing strangers are going to walk through my house examining every corner, closet, and cupboard was intimidating to me. I wanted to leave them with an excellent impression. And so we house cleaned, we cleaned out, reorganized, and tidied every closet, drawer, and shelf. We eliminated things to make rooms appear larger and brighter. The weeks leading up to open house felt like a repeat of the one before. We moved from room to room, closet to closet. And did the same process with each item we laid our hands on. Store? Sell? Take to Africa? At the first open house I felt like we made it! But just barely. There was a closet or two I hoped people wouldn't feel the urge to look in. Th...