Soaking in Fall

I opened our back door and was greeted with cool, refreshing night air. I stepped out to shake the table cloth free of crumbs from supper and drew a deep breath. Drying leaves scented the fall air and I wanted somehow to bottle it. To soak it in! To hold on to it and pull it out next year when we are living in Ghana and I am homesick. A quiet evening fishing. I find myself doing that many times these days. Trying to soak up my surroundings like a sponge. So I can squeeze them out and look them over some day in the future; when I am far away from everything familiar. We had revival meetings this past week and we soaked up the teaching and came away revived. But as I sat in the midst of our church family, part of me wanted to weep because I know I will be leaving it soon. And I know just how far Africa is from Pennsylvania. There is one thing that comforts me though. Even though we will be far from friends and family, God will be just as c...